Meet The Founders’


Shannon & Angie Agan

The Agans never dreamed their little family would expand the way it did. But, God's plans are always bigger than what we can ever imagine. Read how their story changed to His plan and how Foundation 14:29 began.

"When we set out on our adoption process, we came across four brothers. We decided they were not a match for our family. Our son TD was living an only child lifestyle, and we planned to adopt three children so our home would have an even number of kids and no one would feel left out. Our other son RW lived with his mom full-time.

A week went by, and we received a call. "What do you think about these boys?" It was the same group of brothers. At that time, only the three younger boys were ready for adoption. We met and fell in love with them. They were soon Agans.

A few months later, the oldest brother came to visit for Thanksgiving, we quickly fell in love with him too, and he was adopted by March. We now had FIVE pre-teen boys living in the house! It was not what we had envisioned, but God had a different plan for us.

After having five boys in the house for several years, we started joking around that we wouldn't even know what to do with a girl! That's when our bonus daughter came into our lives. Even though she never lived in our home, she is part of our story and His plan!

Our most recent blessings came to us by a phone call on a Friday afternoon. All the boys had left home, and we were finally getting accustomed to our empty-nesters life. When we got that phone call to see if we could take in an 11-year-old girl and her 10-year-old brother, of course, we said yes! Six months later, our time ended with these two babies, and God prepared us to send them back to live with their mom. Oh, how we struggled with it. But, we kept hearing God loud and clear. He is their protector and provider. They will always be a part of our story and His Plan.

We thought we would dedicate our lives to fostering once our sons became adults and started moving out of the house. Again, God had bigger plans for us. He touched our hearts to start a Foster Care ministry to help other families learn about fostering. That was the start of Foundation 14:29.

Since its launch, Foundation 14:29 has grown to become a resource ministry for foster families and families struggling within West Georgia . Not only have we been able to teach families about fostering, but we also have surrounded foster families with support and encouragement. God has opened so many more doors and opportunities we didn't even see coming because, again, our story, His plan!

For a couple who got married young and didn’t want kids, we now have lots of kids, In-Laws & Tons of grand-babies. His plan is always bigger & better than we can ever imagine!

How is God trying to use you, Will you let God change your plan?